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Camp Howze MVPA - Images of our supportive members vehicles, these members support our mission and when possible make events with these wonderful vehicles below. Some are able to make the Educational Programs with the Military Vehicles you see below.
Chris V - 1942 Willys MB Jeep
David D - 1940 Chevy CMP
David H - M3A1 Halftrack
Jaime M - 1943 Willys Jeep
Gary D - 1944 Air Transportable WC-52
Colin C - M35 Series Troop Carrier
Dan M - 1945 CCKW
David H - 1943 Chevy CCKW
John S - 1941 White M2A1
Gary D - 1942 M2A1 Halftrack and 105mm Howitzer
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