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History Alive Educational Program

Schools (Public/Private/Church/Other) interested in more info about the upcoming History Alive appearances in 2023/2024 please contact us.

We plan to have a Public Event, but often participate in private and school requested appearances


School & Public Education - 


The Camp Howze MVPA Chapter has designed and presented various educational programs ranging from site education on the WWII Base Camp Howze, to "Food for the Troops" which is a understanding of the different rations type and design. We also have several onsite offerings designed around our Military Vehicles or the gear of the WWII Soldier.


In 2014 Camp Howze MVPA assited the Morton Museum of Cooke County in completely renovating the Museum into an Exhibit Featuring the life of the WWII Soldier, Life on the Base (Camp Howze TX) and around town in the 40's exhibits. This complete Exhibit ran as Sentimental Journey and was a great success in the community and beyond with visitors to the area.


With the History Alive Weekend designed and operated by the Camp Howze MVPA Membership we are able to bring much of this history to life through the diplays, reenactors, vehicles, and interaction with the public in a free Saturday event. 2014 and 2016's Events were a huge success with the first event supporting 2500+ in attendance and 150+ reenactors from 4 states participating, and growing each event!


For more information on the next history alive weekend go to and watch for news on the next event!




Select File to find out more about what we offer for our school programs here!

103 Display at Mortion Museum
Educational Program
Depot and Morton Museum with Plainview ISD - 2016  




Select File to find out more about what we offer for our school programs here!

WWII Ben Hur Traile Display
Camp Howze TX Display
Branson Parade Veterans in CCKW
Reach A Veteran


Our Reach A Veteran program has several layers to it including the interaction with many vetereans our members have met and began a relationship with.


We have note cards that we have printed and keep a database of these great men and women. We have several dates that this notecards get mailed out to support either birthdays, Veterans Day, or other holidays. This keeps us in contact and many of these veterans and allows us to always say, Thanks!


Another part of this program is to work with various veterans to create some digital footprint and presence that will allow thier story to live forever. Once they have been filmed and turned into web content, this is a great way to have thier story to be seen and heard, even many years after they or thier children are gone, still impacting future generations as if they were right in front of them. This is one area we feel we can pay tribute and honor them truly.

Branson MO - Veterans Day Parade - 2015 

We had an opportunity to have an interview at one of the Veterans Reunion at Branson MO this year (2022) with the Branson Globe with Cynthia Thomas. She was very kind and had an article published After participating in the Annual Branson MO Veterans day Parade. Attached is the two page interview


You can find it here:

Also a link to the Branson Globe HERE

Operation Camaflauge Christmas Thank you.png

Operation: Completed

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Camp Howze MVPA, Reach a Veteran Program, Operation Camouflage Christmas -

 As of December 2022 all gifts are successfully delivered to all Five (5) families and Twenty-Nine individuals!

December 2023 all gifts delivered to Seven (7) Families and Thirty-Two (32) Individuals We are truly grateful for all that participated and each and every family was so happy and wanted to thank all of you that gave. 

Want to help towards a Veterans needs during the Holiday...

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